I love Billy Idol. He came to us at the perfect time. He crossed the line between Punk and Pop and threw in a bit of Metal to make our hair spike up and our fists start pumping. He made some of the most iconic videos from the 80's. Who doesn't hear White Wedding and picture the nails getting driven into the coffin on the drum beats? And could Billy have looked more bad ass? The spiked hair, the post apocalyptic outfits, the sneer. Billy was just too cool to look at......but What Were We Thinking when the video for Dancing With Myself was pitched to him? I get that the subject matter of the song is a bit difficult to portray in a music video (if you don't know, its about "Self Love") but explain to me why the mutants down on the street climb up the side of the building only to have Billy blast them off with electrical shock waves? And then they climb back up....and its a dance party?? Was the video director not aware that the mutants...which I assume are fans...wouldn't want to be launched off a 30 story building in the middle of such a great song?
Take a look and see for yourself and ask the question....What Were We Thinking??
All I can say is YeeAh YeeAh YeeAhhh!!